The following popular quotes have been collected from the Leadership writings of Jason Gallagher, Director of Joseph Consulting.
Top Quotes from ‘Clearing the Jargon Haze’
It’s amazing to watch how positive and confident people become when things are clear. One secret we use to bring this change is to introduce the use of BBQ Talk.
The BBQ Talk principle is all about simple and clear communication. When chatting, telling stories and sharing a laugh at the weekend BBQ we use ‘normal language’.
The aim of BBQ Talk is to be able to discuss business matters using language that could be used at a BBQ.
Top Quotes from ‘Questions from Left Field’
As leaders we ask questions to help gain insight. Ask questions. Off centre, left field, creative questions. These questions disarm and lead to answers that better reflect the situation.
As leaders we ask questions to help gain insight. We ask them to help us better understand who, what and where we are leading.
Ask questions. Off centre, left field, creative questions. First, it is hard for the other person to determine what a ‘negative’ answer would be. Secondly, it provides them an opportunity to consider the situation from a completely different perspective. Both these disarming facts tend to lead to answers that better reflect the situation.
Top Quotes from ‘Collect life’s experiences to build a bright future’
Something happens, a change occurs that does not align with our career expectations and beliefs. Nothing about this change speaks of opportunity, only demotion. You can turn this situation into a positive key turning point that builds a bright future.
Search for benefits. Pain can narrow our perspective, but we must widen our view and search for benefits.
Collect life’s experiences. Look at how your core strengths and skills can be applied in different ways. They have not been wasted. They can be used. A bright future will begin to emerge.
Collect life’s experiences and place them on the table. A bright future will begin to emerge.
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