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For Jody Only

For Jody Only

Aug 2017

Jody has a big idea.  It’s a game changer, the next level. 

We all have ideas.  Some will bring organisational change, some are for new business initiatives and some will transform industries.  Our rapidly changing business and social environments are creating many exciting opportunities for ideas generation.  To reinforce this we often see businesses link words like ‘creative thinking’ and ‘innovation’ with words like; ‘leadership’, ‘strategy’ and ‘business values’.  Yet, many of these ideas are only released in the office hallways or over Friday drinks.

While many people generate great ideas, Jody has decided to implement her idea.  She talks with great excitement of the wonderful possibilities and increased wealth.  Her friends and family tell her it is an incredible idea.  This is going to be great! 

To develop and implement an idea takes courage.  It can be hard work.  There will always be risks.  Often you will have to explain yourself over and over again.  You may even begin to question if you have the endurance to see the idea completely implemented.

I’m excited by Jody’s idea and have prepared to provide regular insight along the journey.  To commence the journey we must first have two key discussions that will reshape Jody’s expectations.  These same discussions apply to many initiatives or ideas. 

The first key discussion is about defining what value the idea will provide.  The Macquarie Dictionary states; “Value: that property of a thing because of which it is esteemed, desirable, or useful, or the degree of this property possessed; worth, merit or importance.”  Defining the value is so important.  Take time to test the idea.  If it is a physical product, make it and see if it works.  If it is a service find ways to trial it.  If it is for organisational change, research similar cases.  Do whatever it takes to define the merit or worth of your idea.

After defining the value, the second key discussion is to determine who else will see the value in the idea.  Usually, we believe that the value our idea brings is so obvious that the whole world will immediately abandon their old ways to embrace our idea.  Unfortunately, this doesn’t always happen.  It is important to honestly ask (and test) who will use it, buy it or implement it.

Jody’s expectations of wonderful possibilities and increased wealth may now be reshaped.  These discussions will guide Jody as we continue to develop her idea.

At Joseph Consulting we are excited about the possibility ideas and initiatives may bring to you and your company.  Please call us to discuss ways our insight can help your ideas and initiatives continue to be successfully developed.


Jason Gallagher

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Dreise Tucker

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Cleaner Road Runoff Project

Joseph Consulting led the research scoping, on-ground council teams, coordination, establishment and monitoring of 5 geographically diverse study sites that drained into the Great Barrier Reef Lagoon.

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Strategy, Implementation and Stakeholder Engagement

Strategy, Implementation and Stakeholder Engagement

Joseph Consulting were engaged by Lackon Pty Ltd to provide advice for their client, Eurobodalla Shire Council.

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