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How do you use your current pressures to maximise growth?

How do you use your current pressures to maximise growth?

Nov 2015

Sometimes our leadership and business problems are like little annoying rocks in our shoe. Other times, it seems like the little annoying rock has invited all his little annoying rock friends to have a party in our shoe. The pain becomes unbearable. Usually, problems and pressure on our leadership and businesses builds over time. It builds and builds. Until one day, we realise we just cannot handle it any more.

Many years ago, I was leading an enterprise that was growing nicely, but silently in the background the problems and pressures were beginning to grow. I couldn’t see a way out, I felt like I would burn out and the enterprise would fold. While sharing my concerns with my good friend Wes, he questioned me by asking; how can you use your current pressures to maximise growth?

Recently, I asked the same question at a Leadership Strategy Day that I was facilitating.

I have found over and over again that answering this question brings constructive new initiatives that empowers our leadership. But to answer this question we must Stay Calm, Be Brave and Innovate.

Often our first reaction once we realise the enormity of our pressures is to run away, blame someone, rant and yell. During these times we can be overcome by a wave of raw emotions. Yet, we need to ride out these emotions and arrive at a point where we can remain calm. Being calm allows you the ability to make good clear rational decisions.

It is then, that you will need to be brave. Brave enough to face the real facts of the situation. Brave enough to say; ‘I can’t do it all’, ‘yes, I stuffed that situation up’, ‘I can’t please everyone’. Whatever it is, be brave enough to look at your pressures and situation honestly.

From a calm and honest position great innovation can develop. It is in this place that the old saying is true, ‘necessity is the mother of all invention’. Let it happen. All sorts of solutions and change initiatives may emerge.

For me, Wes and I discussed very creative ways to effectively maximise my time. I structured my meetings with my team leaders in such a way that it created a need for my team leaders to also become more effective. The enterprise went from strength to strength.

At Joseph Consulting we love solving problems so constructive new initiatives and continuous improvement can emerge. Please call Joseph Consulting if you would like to discuss how we can help you use your current pressures to maximise your growth.

Jason Gallagher
Director at Joseph Consulting

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