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NOW, let your wins flow from your value system

NOW, let your wins flow from your value system

Jun 2015

Now, now, now. This word echoes through our minds. We are pressured to make a decision NOW. We have to take action NOW. We must win NOW!

Over the years I have been involved with junior sport. On the sidelines parents have explained to me how team sports will teach their child about being part of a team and all those other admiral notions management consultants like to spout. Yet what I have witnessed is that they push aside these values in pursuit of winning the very next game. We need the best possible team NOW, they say. While holding tightly to winning NOW, they have neglected to develop a champion team. The tighter they hold, the more elusive the wins become.

Over the years I have witnessed this same scenario played out in business. The pressures are many and varied, but they all scream NOW. So we comprise our values that we once held so dearly to answer the immediate NOW. Unfortunately, many of us don’t have to look far to see examples of people who have answered the NOW, but success eludes them. Some seem to have succeed yet confide that they paid an unexpected personal price to answer the NOW.

The solution is to let your success flow from your value system.

Before you embark on this authentic and fulfilling journey I recommend you take time to process three simple steps.

  1. Define your values

  2. Extrapolate what sort of success your values can bring

  3. Carefully consider realistic time frames for your values to deliver success

A word of caution. While this is an authentic and fulfilling journey you will be constantly challenged to respond NOW. It will take time and determination to ensure your success flows out of your values system.

At Joseph Consulting we are passionate about empowering leaders to embark on authentic and fulfilling journeys. We can help you;

  • Understand and articulate your value system

  • Learn to make decisions through your value system

  • Provide you insights into how your value system delivers organisational success

  • Provide skills to embed your values into your leadership and teams

Please call Joseph Consulting if you would like to discuss how we can work with you to ensure your success flows out of your value system.


Jason Gallagher
Joseph Consulting


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